Sunday 13 December 2009

Forever Young

Can't believe this day's finally here.

You two are leaving in less than 7 hours. Hayley cried for so long on that footpath...but I couldn't even shed a tear. Now here I am, with tears silently streaking down my cheeks.

Three years...Man, it's been three years. Only three years.
In comparison to other friendships, it seems so little. Yet three years can change a lifetime. And that's what you both have done for me.

It still hasn't struck that this is goodbye. I don't know what tomorrow is going to be like... traversing the same roads but with empty memories contained within those physical mementos. It's strange, when he left, all I have now is a house. Yet it's all fenced up. But deep down, that place still contains remnants of each breath, of the time together. Memories slowly fade, yet emotions remain.

I wonder what it's going to feel like now, going to the fish and chip shop. When can I next have a double meat burger in the park? How many people left is there to spam to go to Fendalton Library? Who else can I randomly just ask to go to the mall? How many houses can I just crash right now?

Then there's Eugene, who I said goodbye to yesterday. Even though we only met for one year, you've added that tiny sparkle to my life.

Hayley asked if I regret ever meeting anyone. I never will. No matter what sort of person they are, they added that extra bit of colour to my life. And I'm grateful.

You know, everyone is so different. With the beach day, as that group of guys walked down the mountain, we realised just how much of an individual everyone is. Even just physically, there's all three races represented, let alone personality and beliefs wise...each of them are just so unique and special. Yet that is the amazing power of friendship.

Even in this group of "asian-dominated girls" who to any outsider seems the same, each of us are so different too. It's incredible sometimes when you think about it.

The power of friendship.

A song keeps playing in my head,

Forever young

I want to forever young...

I miss you.

Wednesday 9 December 2009


How do you let go of a dream...?

You know that it's over. They've moved on, they've changed, you've changed.
Yet if the dream has been your driving force for year and years and years.... for pretty much over half of your life...

How do you move on?
You try.... yet how do you truly move on?