Wednesday 13 May 2009


Below is my drafted Newspaper/School Newsletter column for our internal on Friday.
We can basically write about anything that's appropriate.
Spent a whole day on it on Sunday (except Church :D) but finally got into it at like 9 o'clock at night. I know Mrs Krohn said it's "amazing" but something about it just really annoys me. I think it's the lack of hard out words, especially compared to Nancy's. I read her first sentence then literally gave up. Sigh, but then again, my vocabulary is too limited to write hard out words...
Oh well.
Your comments are much appreciated.
Thank you :)
Oh and can you guys think of a better title...


A Christmas Cheer

“Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle all the way…”
When the all-so-familiar “Ho Ho Ho” of this ringtone rises above even the tooting of cars, we are reminded once again of chaos. The mad rush to Riccarton mall for your distant Uncle Ben, your great-grandmother whose need for fake teeth is over budget so you buy her chocolate instead, your two cousins once removed that have finally grown out of the Lego stage, and then obviously, there is your immediate family, consisting of you mum, your dad, your little sister Sarah and your older brother Jack. Along your journey, naturally you cannot forget the most important person of all – yourself, especially when you spot those Nike Trainers on ten percent special in Rebel Sports. You make yet another mental note. It’s time to remind your beloved mother once again. But of course, this entire month of shopping craze represents our love for Jesus, the Christmas spirit and our desire for global happiness…Right?

Now stop. Rewind. 2009 years ago, a newly born baby boy is being wrapped in white linen inside the comfort of a stable. Accompanying him are only the constant bellows of donkeys and an occasional deep grunt of an ox. But beneath this outwardly modest birth is an extraordinary destiny - this baby is to become the Savior of mankind.

“You better watch out, You better not cry, Better not pout, I'm telling you why, Santa Claus is coming to town.” The minute you get off the bus in Central City, your attention is drawn to the ear-splitting waffle crackling over the loudspeakers. You cross the road and come to the source of the commotion. The annual Ballantynes display! The crimson red and Persian green colors leap out at you, clawing at your eyes. For a second you lose all sense of gravity. But then you’re drawn in. Slowly your eyes adjust. You walk closer. You begin to notice that beneath the disarray there are actual figures - Santa’s little elves, Rudolph and fellow reindeer, bright pink angels, fairies, gnomes, snowmen, penguins… And of course, the man all children behave for, Santa Claus! With his slight twinkle in the eye and dazzling jolly smile, it’s no wonder he attracts more people than both Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.

The Cathedral tower strikes twelve. Angels appear above the clouds. They radiate an aura that illuminates the night. The news of a miracle is shouted from the heavens and carried by their wings into the winds below.

“T’was the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.” It’s Christmas Eve! You’ve made your final preparations and triple-checked your stocking is hanging higher than your sister’s on your fireplace. The Salt and Vinegar’s been opened neatly into a bowl, your mother’s famous Creme Brulee has been heated to exact perfection, the knife and fork is laid out on either side, a bowl of jelly tip ice cream is steadily turning from a triangular pyramid to an upside-down dome. Upstairs, you try to sleep but your brain just cannot switch into off mode. Even when your brother screams at you to stop the bed-squeaking, you still cannot lie silent. One thought has been put on replay for the past two hours, “Is Santa finally coming?”

The three wise men hear of the news. They follow the star in the east to the manger. Here, they present their gifts of gold, incense, and myrrh.

“We wish you a merry Christmas, we wish you a merry Christmas, we wish you a merry Christmas, And a happy New Year.” You leap down the stairs two-at-a-time. But sadly, your brother’s already opened two presents. Never mind, you roll up your sleeves and get down to business. Surprise! Your Nike Trainers! Attached is a note, “With love, from your mum and dad.” You glance at it briefly with a satisfied smile then move on to the bulky sized paper package. It’s the entire set of Twilight! Your smile increases by one-fraction-of-a-centimeter on either side. You keep moving, your hands are more eager than your racing heart. You rip open the slightly old-fashioned deranged wrapping. Inside, you discover your great-grandmother’s entire collection of ‘modern’ gramophone music, consisting mostly of Bessie Smith and Duke Ellington. Sigh, at least now the box of ‘thoughtful’ presents can be filled up. Eventually though, the pile of presents begins to fade. Beneath the vivid array of wrapping paper, you notice a tiny black box that has been overlooked, sitting quietly under the Christmas tree. You reach out and gently open the box. Inside are the remnants of what once would have been a beautifully intricate golden cross, but the tarnish has eroded its surface. It no longer shines like a newly crafted masterpiece. It has passed through too many hands, experienced too many joys and misgivings of life. The cross has now turned a dull shade of autumn brown. Time has eroded its value.

“Silent night, Holy night, Son of God, love's pure light. Radiant beams from Thy holy face, With the dawn of redeeming grace. Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth, Jesus, Lord at Thy birth.” The true value of Christmas. It's time to make a choice.

Mum, go return those Nikes.

Friday 8 May 2009


希望你们能帮我看看 跟我说点意见等等
哈哈 写完后我把它用google translator翻译过来













The translation

Mother's Day to the

伍丹recall a week ago to give me a call, let me share today, I wanted to, the mother is so great a person, how could I use just a few words to express her gratitude to them?

Everyone has a mother love her. No matter when, where, my mother will always be your favorite. You may rarely stopped our busy lives, to recall his mother from small to large for you to pay the little bit. In fact, when you come back to, you will find "there is only a good mother," this short sentence the meaning behind how profound.

Still remember when I returned home with her mother. That is more than one year old, I was right. At that time, because with me, so do not see the road at the foot. Later, walked, "ah beer -" to fall into a big pit. Stayed there a long time and finally was rescued by an uncle. It may be just a small accident, but in order to protect my mother's thumb, therefore the fracture. Later she told me that, "At that time, I just want to mind the need to protect you. Nothing else important. As long as you do not have injuries, the pain I put up with it does not matter more." When I heard, I immediately tears. So do not hesitate to willingness to pay for your own life, a person, a mother, how great she is you.

Later that year my four-year-old, I and my parents immigrated to New Zealand. At that time, not my sister. Mother as early as possible in order so that I can learn English every day and I will accompany the patient watching television, reading, writing, and title and so on and so on, as the only hope I can become as soon as possible. I am being choosy food from a young age is also a special children, but from the same mother in love, one of a carefully fed me great.

But in my five-year-old year, we changed the fate of the whole family. 96 at the end of my sister into our life. Awareness of our people will know my sister with the children not the same as the general right ...
In her I am sure that my parents could pay more than any parents. Also because of this, from an early age I learned independence. Since her birth, my mother basically all the time with the focus on her, her father was also busy doing housework, so I learned from a very small mind all the pressure in their own heart, do not want to give parents more trouble. Also because of this, I learned how to put together their own closed, shut the door, sitting in their house.

But I think I can honestly say that I have never been jealous of my sister, because I understand the situation at home. But sometimes the heart really feel a very heavy pain. Especially when I saw the other children can be together with her mother out to play, I can not.
I often would feel like, "Why do I can be friends with the freedom of their own mother out to drink a cup of coffee? Why am I never this opportunity? To go out once a year, or even a day ... but to them."

Remember that the parents really heart broken. Was still at primary school it ... I forgot why quarrel with her mother, but when I put all the pressure was painful with all the parents who complained. At that time, I asked my mother said, "you do not love me?" At the time, I really think that parents do not care about my existence, really no longer love me. I have thought many times to completely escape the dark world of how the well-being.
The same mother but tears of water, told me that "parents will always be your favorite." I suddenly saw a tired mother. Because God in her body thanks to the heavy burden because of the fate of suffering, because of her love and sense of responsibility, because of her helplessness, her remorse, her last resort ... I know that she does not want to like this. But fate but do not give her opportunity for us to have more separate memories. From that I really know that they had broken the hearts of parents. Mom I am sorry ...

In fact, come back to, I recall that a family spent 12 years of ups and downs, we feel it from the 'death valley' came out. Really felt led by God. In any case, everyone is healthy, for this I would like to thank God. Home at least the situation is improving day by day, for this I would also like to thank God. More importantly, I would like to order a such a great mother and thank God. Although she may not have in my body so much, but my sister, I have witnessed the power of motherly love. I understand the love and responsibility can overcome the difficulties. To pay the mother's intention and determination to beat it 'cause of death of the Valley. '

Here, I would like to say a few words to her mother,
"Mum, Psalm 23:4 says,
Although the trip I had the shadow of death valleys, will not be afraid. Because you are with me. Your stick, your success, I have comfort.
Since we are already out of the Valley of the cause of death, the future can only get better and better. You believe in God, and since his life, from small to large accumulation of suffering, the burden God has entrusted. I believe him, he will back after you stepped down from the life. Mom, thank you "

Here, on behalf of all I would like to wish all the youth fellowship of the mothers, Happy Mother's Day!

Rain rain go away

Today was what I'd classify as an epic experience.

Finally an afternoon without Stage Challenge rehearsals, Jenny and I decided to hit the mall for some serious present-shopping. (Why have so many people got birthdays in May?!) Anyhow, we walked to the bus stop on Memorial Road, with two umbrellas between five people. Haha, Alex, Naveen (brown-boy) and Hayley got forced to wait in the pouring rain with us! I swear "2 minutes" on the bus timer thingy is the equivalent of 10 on a wet day...

After finally getting off the bus, we went to the one and only place everyone loves... MACCAS! Yummm junk food :D Then shop+shop+more shopping, I brought my cowboy hat for Wacky week next week! Excited much! Hehe can't wait to show it off...

Then comes the climax of our journey, or should i say, my journey...?
We got to the Riccarton Road bus stop just on time. Bus 19 and the Orbitor were fighting each other to get first on the time schedule. In the end Orbitor won. Oh well, I had to watch Jenny get on that big green bus. I swear I got onto 19.. But for some reason it travelled all the way down Riccarton Rd. By the time it hit church corner, an alarm bell suddenly went "ting!"
I went up to ask the bus driver...

"Is this bus 19 sir?"
"No, this is 81. It goes to Lincoln..."

Holy cr*p.
I got off and started walking back to Clyde, hoping to catch 19.. somehow...
Thankfully the downcast had turned to just some slight spitting. But, just like life, God likes to test people. As i got to the Clyde intersection, it started pouring. I like it to pour when I'm inside my room, curled up in bed, listening to the pit-pat-pit of the gentle drumming of the raindrops. Not when you're stuck outside in the dark without an umbrella, kms away from home, supposed to be at a made-up "stage challenge rehearsal" so you can't call your parents, and you're carrying all your school books since tomorrow's the weekend, stage challenge performance gear and a new cowboy hat...
It was a long, cold,soggy, heavy, dark experience indeed.
I eventually got home an hour later, literally "wet through"

However, I did learn two lessons:
a. Always carry an umbrella
b. Listen to Jenny. Maybe I should've just gone on the Orbitor after all.

Talk about epic.