Friday 8 May 2009

Rain rain go away

Today was what I'd classify as an epic experience.

Finally an afternoon without Stage Challenge rehearsals, Jenny and I decided to hit the mall for some serious present-shopping. (Why have so many people got birthdays in May?!) Anyhow, we walked to the bus stop on Memorial Road, with two umbrellas between five people. Haha, Alex, Naveen (brown-boy) and Hayley got forced to wait in the pouring rain with us! I swear "2 minutes" on the bus timer thingy is the equivalent of 10 on a wet day...

After finally getting off the bus, we went to the one and only place everyone loves... MACCAS! Yummm junk food :D Then shop+shop+more shopping, I brought my cowboy hat for Wacky week next week! Excited much! Hehe can't wait to show it off...

Then comes the climax of our journey, or should i say, my journey...?
We got to the Riccarton Road bus stop just on time. Bus 19 and the Orbitor were fighting each other to get first on the time schedule. In the end Orbitor won. Oh well, I had to watch Jenny get on that big green bus. I swear I got onto 19.. But for some reason it travelled all the way down Riccarton Rd. By the time it hit church corner, an alarm bell suddenly went "ting!"
I went up to ask the bus driver...

"Is this bus 19 sir?"
"No, this is 81. It goes to Lincoln..."

Holy cr*p.
I got off and started walking back to Clyde, hoping to catch 19.. somehow...
Thankfully the downcast had turned to just some slight spitting. But, just like life, God likes to test people. As i got to the Clyde intersection, it started pouring. I like it to pour when I'm inside my room, curled up in bed, listening to the pit-pat-pit of the gentle drumming of the raindrops. Not when you're stuck outside in the dark without an umbrella, kms away from home, supposed to be at a made-up "stage challenge rehearsal" so you can't call your parents, and you're carrying all your school books since tomorrow's the weekend, stage challenge performance gear and a new cowboy hat...
It was a long, cold,soggy, heavy, dark experience indeed.
I eventually got home an hour later, literally "wet through"

However, I did learn two lessons:
a. Always carry an umbrella
b. Listen to Jenny. Maybe I should've just gone on the Orbitor after all.

Talk about epic.


  1. lol sigh, all I can say is that you should have taken the orbiter, lol

  2. listen to jenny honey, listen to jenny. she is never wrong.
