Thursday 18 June 2009


Today's been a really weird day. Seems like everyone's getting the whole end-of-term vibe. For some reason we're all acting differently.. somewhat moody...

Sigh. It's scary actually. After tomorrow, we have two more weeks. Then one more term. Then year 13's basically over. Exams exams exams. Finished. Done.
Your childhood has now officially flown out of the window.
Next year...wonder what's going to happen?
Half of everyone i know is basically emigrating down to Dunny, then there's the arty people flying up to the wind tunnel.. and the smart turds up to Auckland.
Mr engineer's staying here along with some other bums.
I really need to decide where I'm gonna go pretty damn soon.

It's weird. Without any sense of direction of the future, you almost lose purpose. What's the point of aiming for excellence? On the scale of things, an extra four E credits isn't exactly going to increase the chances of you getting a job in some office firm is it?

Then again, what's the point of living anyway?
You're born, you learn. You go to school for university entrance. You go to uni, you graduate and get a job. You earn money so maybe now you can support your own family and contribute to your retirement fund instead of relying on Kiwibank. Then of course, you die. And admist this process you raise your own kid to experience this exciting pattern of life.
Depressing thought really.

Heh. Guess you just gotta take life each day as it comes.


  1. what's the point of living?
    You mean the meaning of life?
    ha, good question.

    Depends on what subject you do:

    for full detail please visit my well of wisdom:

  2. Im feeling this. Oh and welcome back to blogging :)

  3. Shaun Davidson30 June 2009 at 22:33

    I. Am. Not. A. Bum!


  4. No you're "Mr. Engineer".
    THEN there are the bums :D

  5. i always feel this whenever i receive a crapload of homework.
    It is depressing isn't it? ^^ oh well.
