Saturday 27 June 2009


Today, was one of the funnest days I've had in ages.
Because i was grounded.

Thank you Mummy and Daddy♥

Finally an uneventful weekend.
No leadership training. No worship rehearsals. No stupid bowling matches. No movies that i need to watch just because i need to go. No dinners to attend. No youth group. No nothing.

Can anyone understand how i feel?
I feel like a birdie, that's finally been released out of her cage....into her own house.
Because the birdie didn't go to church...........
Ok this sounds remotely sad. I'll stop. But the point is..

I feel so freeeeeeeeee
Ground me more!


  1. lol, you'll look back at this blog in 20 years and laugh. Hey by then you would be probably showing it to your kids and telling them that you were grateful when your parents grounded you, lol/

  2. haha then they'll know what sort of crazy mummy they had..


  3. Huh.

    Me: "That there's what Firerain and xx~fallenangel~xx said about going to church."

    Kid: "Okay."

    Me: "If you don't go to church like them, you'll be grounded."

    Kid: "What does grounded mean?"

    Me :"It means you don't get to go outside"

    Kid: "Can I be grounded on weekdays and on weekends and holidays when it's cold and windy?"

    Me: ":| No."

    Kid: ":( Why?"

    Me: "There's no church on weekdays."

  4. Shaun Davidson30 June 2009 at 22:30

    lol wow You even wrote about it in your blog!

    I think you are overcommitted... Maybe you should take a bit more time for yourself... (though I'm sure I've told you this plenty before!)

  5. i read through some of your older entries.


    you're really deep

    in a waffly-but-it-makes-sense kind of way

    have you considered a career in psychology? :)

  6. i second shaun's post... if getting grounded is good, something's wrong...

    And if my parents told me they were happy to be grounded, i'd just laugh at them.

  7. LOL at Andi's comment. Ok i'll look back in twenty years and be like.. what-the-hell..
    anywayyyyyyyyy Shaunie, you know i can't live without over=commitments. Otherwise i'd get bored :D

    psychology? me? hmm...... really?!
    I might drive all my patients madder though..... ><"

  8. lol, there's other jobs that uses psychology, that that womanon Lie To Me (tv programm - in case you don't watch tv) :)

  9. Lol I do watch TV just not that, what is it?
    Omg wait.. did u ever watch that show where they used psychs to find murderers? I found that so interesting! They'd literally get a 'sense' of the person and immediately identify what they looked, acted, behaved like etc.
    Freaky stuff actually
