Monday 28 September 2009


Those precious moments in life could be over in a split second...

Wednesday 23 September 2009


Mandy Moore

I'll always remember
it was late afternoon
It lasted forever
But ended so soon
You were all by yourself
Staring up at a dark gray sky
I was changed

In places no one will find
All your feelings so deep inside
It was there that I realized
That forever was in your eyes
The moment I saw you cry

Walking home alone today, it poured
Cars whizzed past, oblivious of a shivering soul
To some people, rain may be a refresher
But to me, rain brings back pain and loneliness

It's okay if you're sitting by the hearth, listening to the gentle pit-pat-pit on the rooftops
But when you're alone and it's dark...
It's scary

It was late in September
And I'd seen you before
You were always the cold one
But I was never that sure
You were all by yourself
Staring up at a dark gray sky
I was changed

In places no one will find
All your feelings so deep inside
It was there that I realized
That forever was in your eyes
The moment I saw you cry

Sometimes all you want is someone to hold an umbrella for you, to lend you a jacket
But it's become nearly impossible
I've basically lost all hope

I wanted to hold you
I wanted to make it go away
I wanted to know you
I wanted to make your everything

I used to believe rain was the sign of God crying because of the Earth
I used to ask myself what I did wrong
Now all I know is that rain opens a floodgate of emotions

I'll always remember...
It was late afternoon......
in places no one will find

In places no one will find
All your feelings so deep inside
It was there that I realized
That forever was in your eyes
The moment I saw you cry

Sometimes, we need that.

I think i saw you cry
The moment i saw you cry
I wanted to know you

Friday 18 September 2009

It's the Little Things

Woke up this morning at 630. Even with only about 6 hours of sleep, I felt so incredibly happy for some reason.
(was gonna text everyone "Rise and Shine" but I figured half of you would probably slap me :P)

Walking to school, drifting to one class after another, sometimes you feel like you're living a dream...

Relaxed lunchtimes in the quad
The smell of asian food in F7
Random tidbits of news and gossip
The sound of talking, laughter, screaming...
Just the fact that you know someone, that can wave to poeple as you walk along
That you belong somewhere...

It feels good.

It's hard to imagine life next year without all this. We can say we understand, but unless we truly experience the feeling of insignificance, we'll never really appreciate what we have.

Just the fact that you can detour through Jellie Park, and taste the beauty. And then there's Fendalton Library where a lot of pretty interesting things have happened...
And don't forget the Fish and Chip shop! =>the endless supply of heavenly Double Meats, Chicken burgers and fatty foods...Probably blown half my life savings there lol

I remember complaining in Year 11 how no one walks down Memorial. Now we've even formed this "Year 13 walking home club." It's so funny driving past and watching this group of wannabe adults glomping down the pathway...haha

Gotta love the ping-pong walks up and down Otara Road, round and round New World, or in some cases Chilcombe Street....
And then there's the roundabout. Way too many memories involving those four streets...

Guys, when we're like 99 with walking sticks, lets do the roundabout thing again aye?

Haha so many good times.
High school's been awesome, Burnside's been awesome.
Last week of term three. One more term. Let's make it amazing!

It's the little things that truly sparkle in life, if only you're willing to find it :D

Friday 11 September 2009

A moment

Words are like the blades of a knife, when wielded, they can slice you. When wielded with strength, they can cut you deep.

But sometimes, the emptiness of an acknowledgement can cause more pain.

...All I want to know right now is how much more I have to do.
I know that it was probably one of the easier ones to get, but is even a slight recognition too hard for you? Even when I asked you, is it so hard just to say, “Congratulations”?

And not only did you stop there...

I thought you'd know how much of a failure I'm feeling already, how much I feel like I let everyone down, yet you go on to say some even more degrading things.
Perhaps you are trying to prevent pride, but to an extent which makes me feel worthless?

Thank you aye.
Thanks a LOT.

Few more months.
Then I'm out of here.

Someone stop these stupid tears.

Thursday 10 September 2009


Walking home today, I was hit again with the sudden impact of realisation.


It’s like a long winded road. Along the way, there are endless shortcuts, turns, twists...
Unintentionally, we may choose to take detours. These create the hills and valleys within our emotional being. It might take longer and longer to get back to the main road, but eventually, you return. And then you keep walking...

And walking...

Sometimes, someone might choose to walk beside you from one intersection to the next. Depending on your closure, they could even hold your hand and pull you towards a shortcut. You might become attached, and even when you reached that final intersection, you’re reluctant to let them go.

You become hit with a moment of clarity.

Stopping at that traffic light, you wish that your entire life revolves around that standstill moment of red.

Yet the road goes on.

Then there are those people whose path briefly intersects with yours. Whether it’s just a passer-by or an acquaintance, you don't pay them much attention.

At other times, even when you’ve reached that final intersection and they’ve moved on, you hold onto their shadow. You keep glancing backwards into the sunset behind you. Knowing they’ve physically disappeared, you still grasp onto the thin veil of memory, just hoping, and praying.

Each person who crosses your path affects you, but it’s those people that have walked beside you, no matter for a brief or a extensive period, that significantly affects your life. But then you realise, that they’re gone. And it’s time to move on.

The main road is long and tedious. At times it gets tiresome. But in the end, even if you’ve found a soul mate, the path is yours. No one can walk it for you, and no one can experience your final destination.

It’s a lonely road.

Saturday 5 September 2009


A lot can change in one night.
It's a time when reality hits you and all you want to do is sink into a coma...
Feeling, drowning, melting into oblivion.