Friday 11 September 2009

A moment

Words are like the blades of a knife, when wielded, they can slice you. When wielded with strength, they can cut you deep.

But sometimes, the emptiness of an acknowledgement can cause more pain.

...All I want to know right now is how much more I have to do.
I know that it was probably one of the easier ones to get, but is even a slight recognition too hard for you? Even when I asked you, is it so hard just to say, “Congratulations”?

And not only did you stop there...

I thought you'd know how much of a failure I'm feeling already, how much I feel like I let everyone down, yet you go on to say some even more degrading things.
Perhaps you are trying to prevent pride, but to an extent which makes me feel worthless?

Thank you aye.
Thanks a LOT.

Few more months.
Then I'm out of here.

Someone stop these stupid tears.