Thursday 10 September 2009


Walking home today, I was hit again with the sudden impact of realisation.


It’s like a long winded road. Along the way, there are endless shortcuts, turns, twists...
Unintentionally, we may choose to take detours. These create the hills and valleys within our emotional being. It might take longer and longer to get back to the main road, but eventually, you return. And then you keep walking...

And walking...

Sometimes, someone might choose to walk beside you from one intersection to the next. Depending on your closure, they could even hold your hand and pull you towards a shortcut. You might become attached, and even when you reached that final intersection, you’re reluctant to let them go.

You become hit with a moment of clarity.

Stopping at that traffic light, you wish that your entire life revolves around that standstill moment of red.

Yet the road goes on.

Then there are those people whose path briefly intersects with yours. Whether it’s just a passer-by or an acquaintance, you don't pay them much attention.

At other times, even when you’ve reached that final intersection and they’ve moved on, you hold onto their shadow. You keep glancing backwards into the sunset behind you. Knowing they’ve physically disappeared, you still grasp onto the thin veil of memory, just hoping, and praying.

Each person who crosses your path affects you, but it’s those people that have walked beside you, no matter for a brief or a extensive period, that significantly affects your life. But then you realise, that they’re gone. And it’s time to move on.

The main road is long and tedious. At times it gets tiresome. But in the end, even if you’ve found a soul mate, the path is yours. No one can walk it for you, and no one can experience your final destination.

It’s a lonely road.