Tuesday 21 July 2009

Not All

While searching for pretty pictures to stick onto my exercise books, I came up with this one...


Even though it's such a depressing thought, it's true.
Sigh, but that's just life I guess.

Friday 17 July 2009

When Dreams Become Reality

Last day of hols today (technically, excluding weekend)
Rather than cramming more accounting(which I'm only 1/4 way through LOL), the beginning of my day went like this:

0730 Get up. (Yes I'm preparing for school!) jj
0900 AA Insurance
0910 Fill in form. Took me 10 minutes.. I get confused.... Too many arrows and instructions!
0920 Begin actual Learners License LOL first to sit it today!
0925 Completed. 100%! Seriously they repeated two questions! Like exactly the same. That was about the easiest test ever ><"
0930 Hang round the mall by myself for half an hour. I brought a book...
1000 Mummy joins me after a meeting
1030 Mummy goes to drop off sister. I am, once again, left ALONE so I wonder through basically every shop.. "Lonely, I'm Mr(s). Lonely, I have nobody...."
1045 I SEE THE LIGHT. Granny is here! Listen to her blab for 20 minutes lollll
1120 Downstairs to the 5 minutes of fame. They were amazing!! Two Shirley Boys 13+16 years hard out hiphopping to the lyrics. Smmoooottthhh :) And this 14 year old guy tap dancing to a musical. Jealous much....
1130 Mummy + Mummy's friend + Daughter joins me. No longer a loner :D

Lol whoever lit that fire, thank you!!
It's like Christmas all over again. The mall was literally "mountain sky mountain sea" <---(Azn ppl) 60% off basically EVERYTHING
Though there actually weren't any good clothes..... And all the couches that were $2000 (now $1000!!) were sold the day before. *sniff* But it was CHEAP

Anyway, other than shopping, the highlight of my day was that I finally had a dream come true.
This is gonna sound really sad...
Ever since I was little, like 13 years ago? I remember the first time going to Riccarton Mall. At that time it was still a tiny shopping center and I used to love going to Farmers. Why? Because of their escalator!!!
It used to always amaze me how the part that goes down is directly next to the part that goes up! my dream was that one day I would go up/down while another person would do the opposite and we'd Hi FIVE each other in the middle.
This dream finally came true today.

I was sooo tempted to take a photo of us hi-fiving but people around us were already giving us weird looks.. so yeah. *cough*

Even though I now owe a big favour to Miss Gorgeous, I am sooo happy :)
Sorry this blog is like so ultra-hyper, but...
YAY!! :D:D:D

Tuesday 14 July 2009

Teenage Angst

Ever get that feeling where all you want to do is just scream? Go up to a mountain and SCREAM AND SHOUT down at the world. Just let all your steam out?

That's how I feel.
(Btw this is gonna be a huge ranting piece of a blog so stop right now if you don't wanna read on :D)

First week of hols: SICK. Other than UC Open days it's been stay at home. Sleep. Eat. Rest. Watch TV for my only source of entertainment. More sleep. Naps. Rest... yea you get the gist.
Even bunked leader training and this special worship training for it. AND NICK'S PARTY. All the fun.... because of a stupid flu. And a pig.

Now this week. My mountain of hw to do. Other than piano lesson yesterday I was basically grounded at home. Been planning this catch up with primary school friends two weeks before the hols. We've had to cancel three times. FINALLY worked out we'd all go today.... Looking forward to it...


One of them get's their dairy robbed so they can't go. Another has to go off somewhere to their parents.. yep CANCELLED. AGAIN.
Thank God for Hayley and Shaun (You guys are awesome!). Finally Got to see Transformers!!
YAY (Megan Fox isn't thaatt hot :P)
It's a damn good movie btw. The ending is just a bit too abrupt.
Anyway we all decided to crash Hay's after.. but noooo!

It's the holidays
Can I not at least just have one break??
Lol it's not like I do anything productive anyway... Facebook, MSN, QQ, Blogger...
haha I'm such a bum.
Next year, no matter what, I am going to leave this house. If, by the tiniest and saddest of chances I have to stay in UC, it's flatting since I won't get into halls.
But I will leave.
Don't get me wrong...I love my parents. But a teenager needs their freedom :)
And hopefully I won't rebel too much...

Rant done. Thanks for persevering :)

Thursday 9 July 2009

The power of nudity

First time I've been on this computer the entire week.
Fourth day of the holidays and all I've done is been through two boxes of tissues. So much for the "I wanna get swine flu!!" (This had so better not be swine flu)
This is seriously the worst time to get sick. There's so much I need to do, let alone want to do. (she types as she reaches for another tissue...) Makes me dizzy just looking at this screen.

On a lighter note, even though i probably sacrificed everyone's well being on Tuesday and Wednesday, I'm really happy i went to those UC open days. Even though I'm not 100% sure what I'm doing, everything's just been explained so much clearer by those lecturers.
I know for a fact I'm doing a BCom, endorsed in probably finance? or maybe a double major, not sure yet. And maybe a double degree with law, again still in the "procrastination" stage.

Lol that marketing lecture was hilarious. The lecturer dude was amazing.
First sentence "Anyone offended by nudity and abusive language should leave now"
Of course, no one left.
And then, he progressed to show us the time line of AIDS advertisements.
i.e. first you have something like a stubbies add, with black and white photos of people everywhere with AIDS in huge letters, and then three photos of nude people.
One of them was all these naked men and women getting close on a beach...
But "the one I find the most amazing" (according to mr lecturer) was the picture of only the bottom half of a naked woman with her legs apart.
LOL don't worry the important bits weren't there. (Remember the purpose was to convey the effects of AIDS)

Pretty sure after that lecture, everyone got an idea of the power and influence of marketing.
I walked out much clearer, definitely not going to that again. :D

Thursday 2 July 2009

To-Do List

Holidays in 1 more day.

Not really.
I suddenly feel like, I'm gonna be more tired by the end of these two weeks than even now.
Below is the definition of a crazy life:

  • Accounting Huge Internal
  • Classics Booklet
  • English Essay
  • English Research Project (Begin+think of topic+attempt to complete)
  • English Seminar (only if I have time...)
  • Statistics half-a-term worth of homework catch-up
  • Calculus Exercises
  • Classics Scholarship Essays?
  • Learners License (I know, I'm sad...)
  • Church groups-Make questions and discussion topics
  • Intensive piano practice (Attempt 2hours/day!)
  • Learn [Kiss The Rain] for..., get it taped, and upload onto Tudou
  • Intensive HipHop Exam Prep
  • Find out HH Exam School time
  • Do some serious consideration of future universities. Sighhhh
  • Leader training, Youth group, Church, usual stuff
Other stuff (Yes Alex, my attempt to have a "life")
  • Watch : The Matrix, Shawshank Redemption, Transformers, The Prestige, Momento, Pan's Lanbyrinth (Shaunieeee lend meeee :D) etc. (Add to this list people!)
  • Formal Shopping! Mask etc
  • Shopping spree with mummy :)
  • Meet up with primary kiddies
  • See old friends. Bobs. yep.
  • Call everyone back in Chingy school
Yea. Reading the above, I don't think I'm gonna have much of a so-called "holiday".
Oh well.
At least I won't get bored...:D