Sunday 16 August 2009


Isn't it scary how fast people can change their opinions?
Isn't it strange how in one minute, you feel like you completely understand someone, but the next you hear things that make you feel like they're almost a stranger?

Is it just me, or has everyone grown more and more distant?
The people you thought you once knew, they don't tell you things anymore.
The craziest part is when you don't even realize something's up because they hide it so incredibly well..

And then you randomly find out through other people.
You're left to listen to gossip from a third party instead of from the very person you used to trust.

Is this a sign of maturity?
That people have more and more secrets?
'cause if it is... I'd rather stay young. And immature.


  1. Ha I like the title , its a stage in life I guess....

  2. LOL do u know where i got it? Those bebo titles.
    Randomly flicked into my brain...
    i'm weird...

  3. Yeah its a stage in life... you've just gotta learn to change along with other people, to choose to accomodate them or let go a little. Change is only scary if you're unwilling to change yourself.
