Friday 14 August 2009


This week has most likely been one of the craziest periods of my life.
Not only emotionally, its been a mental and physical rollercoaster ride.

Nearly everyone agrees that this week was the most stressful in terms of school work. But try a calculus common test, statistics internal, accounting internal and a hiphop exam in one day...
Lol fully failed that "flip flop" exam. Mr Schumacher's prediction came true haha

Emotionally, right now I just feel lost.




It's such a new feeling in a way. I feel like a part of me has just disappeared?
Hopefully things will get better....

Those of you who saw me today know I'm wearing an eye patch. Ha it's pirate day!
At Fendalton library, this little girl talked to her brother in hushed whispers, "Charlie look at that girl.. her eye..."
Good to know I'm becoming a celebrity :)
Even funnier is how people are so nice to you. Everytime I cross the road, cars wait for both feet to land on the other side before moving. Nice to know people look after the disabled :P

I think the strain of only using one eye for an entire day is affecting my other one... Things are getting really fuzzy for both. Lol i can't actually see what I'm typing right now.
Yeah, I'm losing my vision.
Big time.
Guess this is what happens if you basically stop sleeping for an entire week.
And everyday you feel like you're living a mask, when deep down your breaking...
Shouldn't be on the computer... But I just really wanted to let some of this stuff out ><
It's amazing the power of blogs huh

Hopefully after some rest and sleep things will get better..
My headache's getting worse so I'll stop for now.
Officially ditching facebook for a while. If you see me online, please kick me off :)


1 comment:

  1. Blogs are really good for spilling over the emotional-overload.

    "If you see me online, please kick me off :)" haha. Same for you, but if you see me online, you should get off yourself
