Wednesday 11 November 2009

These past few days...

Have been absolutely amazing!!

Don't know how else to describe it, or what else to write.
Just... I am so so glad to have come to Burnside.
So glad to have met each and every one of you.
So glad to have been a part of each other's growth, and our journey to maturity.

High school has seriously been one of the greatest learning curves, and the fact that we've all been here to lend each other a hand, positively affecting each other... has just been awesome
Year 13 has been by far the best year - made so many new friends, being able to talk to the teachers on a more personal basis, being the leaders of the school, getting involved with so many extra-co activities and just the sense of community and belonging has made it so wicked!

These last two days have been epic camera whoring sessions. Think I managed to fill 1GB in two days?! Haha flicking through, it's strange how fast people can become friends. Talking to Naveen last night, we only began properly talking at the beginning of this year and now look how far we've come!

Leaver's assembly yesterday was emotional, but surprisingly enough, I didn't genuinely cry until Ceci hugged me after. Man I'm gonna miss that girl...I'm gonna miss everyone. You can just feel the friendship running between all of us.

At lunch afterwards, I suddenly couldn't wait till end of next year! When we have a massive gathering again (which we SO are doing) and everyone talks about all their new experiences...
It's gonna be sooo awesome!

Btw I'm gonna try my absolute best to come down for Easter next year for the 50th Jubilee. I know it's only one month after we've left, but these things don't happen till a few decades and it's so worth it to come back. So everyone - try your best to go k? :P

Prizegiving was like the best and final ending to everything. The speaker was really really good! And Josh's speech at the very end was so special - he truly does deserve Dux. Such a humble guy, he's gonna do amazing things in the future :)

LOL three days till exams. Done zero. But I'm so glad to have lived. As Gemma said, what's the point of achievement if there's no one to share them with?

Gonna hole myself at home and CRAM

But on a more positive note,


  1. it's a special school thats for sure...

    but then again, it's students who make that school special.

    Sounds like you had a special group of friends...

    but then again, our choice of friends are only a relfection of ourselves.

    so, I guess all along, it's you who was special.

    by the way,

    you having a big alcohol free party for your 18th?

  2. YES! On Dec 5th once exams are all over~ And you're invited :D
    (Although with my $6.86 of life savings I'm too broke to pay for your airticket :P)

    btw come back for the jubilee next year! check on the Burnside website :)

  3. Dec 5th?

    why does my desktop note say 28/11?

  4. Lol it is on 28th Nov. But we still have exams then so have to make party afterwards :)

  5. alex digs this post :)


  6. aww hunni i just read this:)

    i better be studying hard right now..cramming!!!

