Friday 30 October 2009




I'm really glad we had that talk.

< /3

Wednesday 28 October 2009


This is stupid.

I've forgotten half the passwords to my own blog!!

I thought I was only technologically challenged ><"!

Tuesday 27 October 2009



Got my results back.
They were not amazing... pretty much straight merits through everything. Except Calc and Eco.
Calc=2 Achieves
Eco = 3 excellences.
Opposite ends of the scale.. lol.

Makes me feel good? Not really.

"Substantial proportion at excellence" is NOT looking good.. at all.
I might flag NCEA scholarships at this rate...

In a way I'm thankful I took classics.
Hopefully the results tomorrow will boost up some grades...
Can't believe I'm relying on it. Fail much.

Didn't actually click how hard Level 3 was until now.
I really need to make a study plan...

And stick to it.

My brain's still on holiday mode.
Argghh should have done something last week.

Oh well. Too late now.

Apprentice Finale tonight!
Ill start studying tomorrow.....
....I promise! ><""

Monday 26 October 2009


Countdown: 20 days until NCEA exams

This week has been epic.
Since last Tuesday, I haven't touched any of my books except to tidy up my room. Been more of a holiday than the last holiday :)

And now it's time for some serious business.
It's now officially crunch time.
Gotta pull through this one month.. and everything will be over!

OMG I just realised I haven't even looked at scholarship NCEA stuff yet let alone Level3...

No pressure.

Gah before it was just "42 credits with 14 from three standards"
But now it's become, "at least 80 credits at Level 3 with a substantial proportion at excellence."
aka I'm guessing at least 70 in order to keep my 25 grand.

Sigh.. everything comes with a price.

So, if you see me on Facebook, MSN, blog... Anywhere I shouldn't be, please kick me off.

Thank you very much!
tata :)

Sunday 25 October 2009


Never say Never

My eyes are swollen

The minute I walked into Youth Group last night, and started singing the songs... Tears just went rolling. Managed to diverge my attention for a bit. But then Q just poured, and I poured with her. In fact, an entire group of us girls just stood in the center, clomped together, crying.

Went home and found out Qian is in the same hall as me! Now I at least know someone :)
But other news about more people leaving just killed it.

I woke up to find my pillow wet.
And tears just kept rolling the entire morning.

I can't say goodbye.
Less than four months left.
I just can't.

It hurts too much

To make matters worse, so many of you are leaving so early.
Gah you guys suck damnt.

I'm gonna miss you so so so so so much.

Right now I'm just staring blankly at the screen.
I don't know how to even begin describing how I feel.

I guess if I could say anything, it'd be two words:

Thank you

Thank you to every single one of you.
Whether you're just a passer by reading this blog, or someone I've spent countless hours with...
You each mean the world to me. And I mean it.
You cannot imagine how much of a difference you've made to my life.

Thank you for all the laughter
Thank you for the tears
Thank you for enduring through my emotional dysfunction
Thank you for that extra shoulder to lean on, that special smile...
Thank you for your time.

High school friendships will always be one of the most treasured by everyone because they will always be pure, and genuine.
I know that next year as much as I don't want to admit it, we're all going our own separated ways, towards our own future.

But I'll always look back at this special time in my life with a smile.

It's been great.

We are so having a reunion.

Two return air tickets. Party in Christchurch everyone.

Friday 23 October 2009

Thursday 22 October 2009

One step at a time

Argh so much uni crap to sort out

I hate navigating through their websites. It's killing me.
Study link was even worse

But at least it's over.
Hopefully...for the present

Now gotta wait for endless letters to come for confirmation etc etc

It's slowly starting to sink in.
But I often have to re-tweak my mind back to reality.
It's crazy. Like a dream come true.
But then really really scary at the same time.

I know zero people up there
Starting to get nightmares....
First day: Everyone else standing in clusters in the lobby, and then there's me.. with my countless suitcases...... smiling..."hi..."
wah?! There'd so better be other loners. Cos loner + loner = not a loner :D

Sign in day is 21st February
Which means from yesterday I have four more months here...
I'm gonna miss this place so so bad.
Even just my room, and my book shelf.
Arghhh I can't look at a place now without reminiscing

Going on best mate with a whole ton of you guys.
Keep me updated about everything.
I mean it.
Remember the two free air tickets... I'm coming back to stalk you. Trust me.


Wednesday 21 October 2009

Thank you Lord xx

Dear Lord,

I'm crying.
Thank you so so so much.

"Thank you for your application for the University of Auckland's entry Scholarships and Awards. Your application has been considered and I am delighted to be able to tell you that the University of Auckland Council has resolved that you be awarded a University of Auckland Scholarship."



Tuesday 20 October 2009

Saturday 17 October 2009

Funny That

Yesterday I received two massive emails - one from Victoria and one from Auckland University Halls of Residences.

"I am pleased to advise that your application for accommodation has been successful."

I saw that - and the first thought was, ironic much?
One of the most important times that my parents need me here, and I get offers from both halls...
Didn't plan on telling my parents until Daddy was better, but then checking the due in dates, I have ten days to decide my life.

Ten days.

Where am I going?
I have no idea.

Eventually did end up telling them at the hospital. Dad said that if it does come down to it, might pay both deposits and accept both offers - assuming we can get the majority refunded...
I hope... *gulp*

I really have absolutely no clue where to go.
Each place represents so many different meanings...

Yet time is ticking.
Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

Saturday 10 October 2009


Shanghai ->shenzhen ->qingdao ->shijiazhuang ->xuzhou ->yanzhou ->beijing

LOL this guy was obsessed with O'Bryant

My two buddies who endured a month with me at the back of the classroom
Insane magic tricks, horror stories and jokes
Missing you like crap right now

Class Captain and me
With my epic hair clip from Daddy! :)
Owe this guy so much
He made it such an amazing experience xx

Our dorm's longdrop
Waay too many memories of endless cat-fights
Typical convo after lunch:
"How many minutes?"
Okay you first

"What number"
"1 & 2"

LOL one of the girls wasn't allowed to do her number 1's in the dorm. She blocked it every single time. During the month I was there, on average we needed to get the unblocker thingy at least once every 2/3 days...
She's amazing.

2 awarded per floor
We're amazing :D

This guy came in the last week and sat beside me
He's pretty awesome in his own unique way

Dad owns all of Shenzhen's buses. AKA MEGA RICH
So he went to some amazing high school but then got kicked out for fighting..
Typical rebel teen
Nowhere else wanted to accept him, even with the amount of money his dad was offering
Meh, he's still cool. I remember the first thing he asked me:
Where's the TKD club?

蓉蓉after a shower.
The amount of nights we slept together...

BFF in Chingy
This girl's an angel (As well as the one that always blocks up the toilets...)

Now THIS is kareoke.
REAL Kareoke
You've never been to kareoke if you haven't experienced it the true azn way.
"You wanna smoke?"
"Wanna drink"
"no thanks"

"What are you?! Don't smoke or drink?!"

I had to sneak out to get to Kareoke. Stayed in there for two hours and my clothes STANK
Got home and yes, I lied...
People smoke everywhere in china yes? So of course if you stayed 2 hours in a bookstore you're gonna stink...

In Shenzhen with my cousin
Cute much?

We hogged that statue for soo long...

Btw my foot popped :)

Next stop : Qingdao
Seaside at -13 degrees...
With water from a well.
This was the "kitchen"

And the toilet
Yeah there's no flush
You use the water from washing yourself etc which you tip into another bucket, and carry it over as well as the toilet paper to this place
To prevent odour, it was about a minute's walk away

At least here they flushed it
We went to another relative's place and they don't use buckets
I smelt the toilet before I saw it...

Then onto the countryside in Shijiazhuang
It sure changed a lot since last time
They changed mayors. He put lights on every tree on the main road. Looks absolutely stunning at night... But it's such a waste of electricity
Half the people are starving

The upgrade was for the Olympic torch running through here
Who would've known Chairman Mao and his army met up in a valley nearby
We actually went there a few years ago
It's like a holiday village.. in the middle of nowhere. Just to commemorate them.
There were cherry trees!

China government's still corrupt right now
They seriously need to form another party

Fourth stop : Xuzhou
This is at 淮海纪念碑
One of the three major battles in defeating nationalists
I love his writing!

Dorm sisters = One family
Missing you sooo much

Monday 5 October 2009


Being the productive person I am, I stalked my cousin-a-gazillion times removed today on the Asian version of Facebook. Here's my reward:

His criteria for a girlfriend.
(Bear in mind he's about 24/25?)

1 外表时尚,内心保守,身心都健康的一般人就行。要是多少还有点婉约那就更靠谱了。
2 必须是80后。毕竟同一个时代的人更能说到一起。
3 个性要独立。你赚不赚钱都无所谓,但必须有独立生存的能力。不要什么事都指望我,我要找的是女朋友,不是女儿。
4 “非主流”的勿扰。我骨子里比较传统,你们的行为过于怪异,我看不下去。
5 懂事。不要无理取闹,更不能在朋友面前不给我面子。
6 我没有处女情结,希望你也不要有处男情结。
7 十八岁之前父母双全。目前来说,我不具备父爱,更不具备母爱。
8 化浓妆的勿扰。清新,干净,可以是淡妆,但黑白过于鲜明,抹得像个厉鬼或者性工作者的请自重。
9 会一门手艺。琴棋书画唱歌跳舞弹奏乐器以及手工活儿随便什么都行,可以给生活增加情趣。
10 走姿正确。要以正常的步伐走路,内八字、外八字以及凌波微步的都别找我。
11 不能太有钱。我是个普通人,没享受过荣华富贵,也没见过那大场面,你吃的东西我都没见过,我吃的东西你咽不下去可不行。
12 娇生惯养的走开。我不是王子,你也别当自己是公主。
13 不要多愁善感,又不是16岁的年纪。
14 我不反对你看韩剧和台湾“呕”像剧,但是请认清楚现实。我不喜欢搞罗曼蒂克,sorry。

Hahaha crack up much?
Yes I know this is copyrighted.. shhhhh
But man I miss that guy. All the best to him and his searching :D

Saturday 3 October 2009












Dear God, I need you

Show encrypted text

Friday 2 October 2009

Bye Bye

[Mariah Carey]

This is for my peoples who just lost somebody
Your best friend, your baby, your man, or your lady
Put your hand way up high
We will never say bye
Mamas, daddies, sisters, brothers, friends and cousins
This is for my peoples who lost their grandmothers
Lift your head to the sky 'cause we will never say bye

Right now I know you're breaking inside
Although it might appear as if you're pulling through
Deep down, your emotions are like tidal waves

I never knew I could hurt like this
And everyday life goes on like
"I wish I could talk to you for awhile"
Miss you but I try not to cry
As time goes by
And it's true that you've reached a better place
Still I'd give the world to see your face
And I'm right here next to you
But it's like you're gone too soon
Now the hardest thing to do is say bye bye

"Farewell" is a term that doesn't belong to our age group
Imagining in the future...
The only chance of meeting is within dreams
It's such a daunting prospect, yet it's become reality

Next year going to university, less one encouraging hug
At the wedding ceremony, minus tears of happiness
Getting the first job, without the cherished blessing...
It hurts.

And you never got the chance to see how good I've done
And you never got to see me back at number one
I wish that you were here to celebrate together
I wish that we could spend the holidays together

I remember when you used to tuck me in at night
With the Teddy Bear you gave to me that I held so tight
I thought you were so strong
You'd make it through whatever
It's so hard to accept the fact you're gone forever

This holiday has been such a rude awakening
I never knew life was so fragile
What are results, achievements, physical appearances... in relation to a life?
The scariest thing is when you're facing an invisible enemy
You don't know how they're striking
Yet you somehow have to counteract it's offensive attack
How do you heal a person who's suffering from the unknown?
It's impossible.

All I can say is that our prayers are with you
God understands your pain, He cares.
Stay strong xx

Bye bye