Sunday 25 October 2009

Never say Never

My eyes are swollen

The minute I walked into Youth Group last night, and started singing the songs... Tears just went rolling. Managed to diverge my attention for a bit. But then Q just poured, and I poured with her. In fact, an entire group of us girls just stood in the center, clomped together, crying.

Went home and found out Qian is in the same hall as me! Now I at least know someone :)
But other news about more people leaving just killed it.

I woke up to find my pillow wet.
And tears just kept rolling the entire morning.

I can't say goodbye.
Less than four months left.
I just can't.

It hurts too much

To make matters worse, so many of you are leaving so early.
Gah you guys suck damnt.

I'm gonna miss you so so so so so much.

Right now I'm just staring blankly at the screen.
I don't know how to even begin describing how I feel.

I guess if I could say anything, it'd be two words:

Thank you

Thank you to every single one of you.
Whether you're just a passer by reading this blog, or someone I've spent countless hours with...
You each mean the world to me. And I mean it.
You cannot imagine how much of a difference you've made to my life.

Thank you for all the laughter
Thank you for the tears
Thank you for enduring through my emotional dysfunction
Thank you for that extra shoulder to lean on, that special smile...
Thank you for your time.

High school friendships will always be one of the most treasured by everyone because they will always be pure, and genuine.
I know that next year as much as I don't want to admit it, we're all going our own separated ways, towards our own future.

But I'll always look back at this special time in my life with a smile.

It's been great.

We are so having a reunion.

Two return air tickets. Party in Christchurch everyone.


  1. need a place to stay when i come back ><

  2. My house! OMG you could fully go live in every single person's house for a night!

    Or we could all crash Mutchy's...

  3. Nah the ilam cottage is no more next year, his mum is renting it out next year. =O, were the hell are we going to hang out randomly, plot for clandestine activities and have parties!!!

    NO! Thank you! <=D *biggest hug ever*
    Oi get off the computer!!!!! =p

  4. haha same here jenny, i'll be homeless when i visit =.=

  5. OMG we should all rent out a place! That'd be wicked as!!

    Where's Nick moving to then?
