Tuesday 27 October 2009



Got my results back.
They were not amazing... pretty much straight merits through everything. Except Calc and Eco.
Calc=2 Achieves
Eco = 3 excellences.
Opposite ends of the scale.. lol.

Makes me feel good? Not really.

"Substantial proportion at excellence" is NOT looking good.. at all.
I might flag NCEA scholarships at this rate...

In a way I'm thankful I took classics.
Hopefully the results tomorrow will boost up some grades...
Can't believe I'm relying on it. Fail much.

Didn't actually click how hard Level 3 was until now.
I really need to make a study plan...

And stick to it.

My brain's still on holiday mode.
Argghh should have done something last week.

Oh well. Too late now.

Apprentice Finale tonight!
Ill start studying tomorrow.....
....I promise! ><""

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